The mysterious the regular show

I was sitting on the couch watching butt dial, a episode of regular show, if I told you this was the first episode I have watched you would probably said I lived under a rock. oh I just told you. at the begging Mordecai was cleaning up, Rigby was on the phone. It showed us the phone and instead of saying loser at the bottom, it said f*cker I didn't know what it meant then, it then showed Mordecai with the phone under his bum and he was singing about Margret, but the song wasn't normal it said, hangin' with Margret I hate it so much, I'm gunna slut her neck. and then he accidentally sended it to her. with out Rigby he drove to the coffee shop. when he got there he smashed through the window and crashed through the table. he took the coffee mug with coffee inside and smashed it on Margret's head. he grabbed a butter knife and stabbed Margret's eye until they looked like hyper-realistic blood, when Marline walked him he got her phone and choked her too death.